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Put creativity into everything
“When you put creativity into everything, everything becomes available to you.” – Robert Rodriguez, filmmaker Cited in: Nathalie Sejean, “30 Piece of Advice from Robert Rodriguez to Lead a Creative Life”, Mentorless, 4 September 2015,, accessed 28 October 2020
The addictive nature of song writing
“You know it’s sort of addictive because there is all this gold just floating in the ether around you. The process of song writing is this process of just discovering and putting together these beautiful animals that live on their own and run around the world and make people feel good or go on trips […]
Silent Steps – Rabindranath Tagore
Title: “Sacred Steps” from Song Offerings (Gitanjali) Text: Rabindranath Tagore Music: Greg Smith Instrumentation: SATB Product medium: PDF score Sample:
Recollections from Gallipoli
Title: Recollections from Gallipoli Text: Ellis Salis Music: Greg Smith Instrumentation: Tenor and piano Product medium: PDF score Sample:
Finding the voice of Piazzolla
I was writing symphonies, chamber music, string quartets. But when Nadia Boulanger analyzed my music, she complained that she couldn’t find any Piazzolla in there. She could find Ravel and Stravinsky, maybe Bela Bartok or Hindemith, but never Piazzolla. The truth is I was ashamed to tell her that I was a tango musician, that […]
Appreciating beauty
Music exists only in a passing of time, racing past us like the mid-nineenth-century trains Ruskin so hated. It is utterly non-fixed, and to focus on one moment is to destroy the whole. It is a forest that we have to pass through, not a single tree that we can contemplate or capture. But, if […]
Cello and piano
Not up to form, because …
Harvey Sach’s comments on pianist Author Rubinstein at age 13: …it is clear that Arthur’s practising began to deteriorate when he was about fourteen years old.  He would mechanically play through one-handed exercises and use his free hand to feed himself chocolates or cherries, while he read a book that he had propped up on […]
I am not highbrow
After writing his opera Porgy and Bess, producers in Hollywood started to think that Gerswhin was turning “highbrow”.  George and Ira Gerswhin’s agent told Ira :”They think George is too highbrow.  Can’t he write a few words and explain to them?” George wired: “Rumours about highbrow music ridiculous.  Am out to write hits.” – George […]